I was born to live with dogs. My mother was a successful breeder
of Tervueren , one of the 4 types of Belgian Shepherds. But at that
time I was not thinking of becoming a breeder as well. Instead I was dreaming
of cars to be exact of American Oldtimers . Neither would my profession
allow me to have my own dog, so I was visited on weekends by my
Tervuerengirl Quincy.
At the age of 8 I was collecting brochures
of Range Rovers and said, that in the future I'll have a Berner Sennenhund
-dog. This would change later into an Irish Wolfshound . For Christmas
my sister got an Encyclopaedia of dogs. I was looking for the Irish
Wolfshound and what would I see? The picture of a beautiful Borzoi ! What
happened next I don't have to tell you. Anyone who loves Borzois , knows
why (and sometimes he doesn't)! There he was, MY DOG!
Unfortunately there had to go by some
more years before I saw my first real Borzoi 1995 in St. Moritz and got
the permission to touch and pet him. It was just a beautiful experience!
I felt lots of respect that deserve those creatures.
In April 2001 I reached my goal: my own
house and a big backyard and plenty of time. O.K. I said to myself and
looked for Borzois on the Internet. What happened you can read under the
title Dober -Kopp Pannon Ibolya .
The following summer I was given 2 male Borzois from Kiev, Mindal
und MoijOpium . These beautiful beings have to be preserved and therefore
I decided to breed and soon found an adequate name for my doings.
All dogs live in my house and may go in and out to the backyard, whenever
they want to although that gives me a lot of additional work in wintertime
my Longnoses are happy, when they can slide into the house on their
dirty paws from grass and mud.
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